Saturday 13 March 2021

Halcombe Norilsk: An Interview in India

I have made an interview with an Indian publication regarding the books and the writing career of Halcombe Norilsk. You can read it now.

READ THIS IN SPANISH Entrevista en la India


Halcombe Norilsk
Halcombe Norilsk 

1.  At what age did you find out that you wish to become a writer and how?

I have always wanted to write. In fact, I started writing at a very young age. Indeed, I was always writing something. However, I did not take it seriously until 2012 when I decided to write more and every day. I had not written more seriously before because I thought writing is a waste of time insofar as it is not a clever idea to earn a living but I started nevertheless as doing what one loves in life is essential.

2.  Before being a writer what was you by profession?

I am a sign language interpreter. What is more, my mother tongue is sign language as my parents are deaf. Besides working as a sign language interpreter I have worked as English teacher, English/Spanish interpreter in Toronto or New Jersey for instance and likewise I have had other minor jobs in factories, banks or enterprises. I have also studied International commerce and I have the English certificates from Cambridge University. This is more or less my experience before being a writer. I have been writing blogs and on the Internet for years as well.

3. Who was the inspiration for you to become a writer?

Nobody. And people should not adore idols too much. If you feel you want to be a writer and you love writing just be a writer but do not pay attention to anybody because you are unique. Everybody has people who inspire them and of course I admire some writers but you must not be inspired by people what you admire are his/her works in reality.

 4. Out of the 4 books you have authored, which is your personal favorite and why?

El Verano de Natalie Davis (the summer of Natalie Davis) is my favourite book. I hope one day it can be translated into English. Natalie Davis is my main character and I want to write a lot of adventures with her as a protagonist. Since this was her first adventure it will always be my preferred one.

5. Describe yourself and your books. (So that the readers will get to know about you and your books better).

I love culture and I an open-minded person who loves to know about other countries or cultures. My sense of humour is my main weapon and my writings tend to have a hidden sense of humour. My two first books are not so commercial because these were a compilation of writings, articles or short stories I had been writing, my second book was written in English and published in the United States but it is equivalent to the first one. The second book henceforth, my books are entirely fictional.

6. Share anything that inspired you the most in life.

Anything inspires me. However, there is something that I really love and this is watching movies. I am not a big fan of television series because they always enlarged them artificially but when it comes to movies I am passionate about them and a good movie always inspires me. In fact, I mention and I pay homage to many movies in the first adventure of Natalie Davis (El Verano de Natalie Davis)

7. What are the things you enjoy doing besides writing of course?

My dog Evarista died last month. It was my pleasure to walk her throughout the countryside every morning. Walking with her through the countryside was my favourite hobby. I like running, watching movies, reading any kind of newspaper, magazine or novel and listening to music are things I deeply enjoy.

8. What is your dream that you wish to achieve in the coming years?

My dream is to see a movie based on any of my books. This is my biggest dream. All the adventures of Natalie Davis were written thinking in a movie adaptation and I will write so many adventures of Natalie Davis I strongly believe my dream can come true one day. However, my aim is to publish a book every year in order to keep writing until the day I die.

9. As you are from Spain, what is that in Spain you would like to share with other nationals.

Spain is a great country but now most of the countries in Europe are in the European Union. Yet, countries like Spain that are in the South of Europe are mistreated by European Union thus countries such as Italy, Greece, Portugal and Spain (countries in which there is mainly a good weather all year long by the way) are not well treated as countries from the North of Europe. This obliges us to depend on tourism. This is unfair, but the truth is Spain is a major tourist destination, so as you are reading this outside Spain, I recommend you to visit my country as you will have a great time because everything is prepared to give tourists a good experience and the tourism industry is paramount here because what is more, as an European country, Spain has a long history and you can learn a lot discovering different Spanish cities which are all very beautiful.  

10. What was the best and worst thing (you believe to be) that has ever happened to you so far?

The best thing is to be able to wake up and be able to do all I want all day long which is not easy but as I am a writer, I can try doing it. One of the worst things that has ever happened to me has just taken place recently as my wonderful dog Evarista died last January. She was 15 years of age. She was an incredibly clever and funny dog. She helped me to write.

11. What is the style you keep in writing and how do you intend to move on in your writing career in the coming years?

My style is very direct. I like my stories to have a lot of happenings but I do not like to waste time describing. My aim is to publish one book every year of my life. I have a new manuscript finished. It is titled “Dulce Katia” (Sweet Katy) and I would love to have it published this year 2021. I have 5 Word documents prepared, each of them has a different title and plot but I have only one ended, this last one (Dulce Katia).  The remaining four will be my (hopefully) future new books. For instance, the third part of the adventures of Natalie Davis will be titled “El Destino de Natalie Davis” (the destiny of Natalie Davis”)

12. Share a piece of advice for content writers from your experience and to all who wish to follow their passion.

This piece of advice is for everyone who is reading this. You should write something every day, every day. You should read every day, walk your dog throughout the countryside for one hour, if you do not have dogs or you live in the city try running for 40 minutes. Likewise, you should meditate for 20 minutes every day and try to have a very light dinner every night. Lastly, try waking up when your body tells you to do so and try doing all the things you like when possible. These tips will make you have a better life and to be a more creative person.

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                                  Original Interview: Halcombe Norilsk

                                  Original Article: HALCOMBE NORILSK

                                                       Halcombe Norilsk Instagram

                                             Halcombe Norilsk Twitter

Tuesday 2 March 2021

Evarista: October 2005-January 2021

“Dogs are not our whole life but they make our lives whole”

My wonderful dog Evarista died on the morning of the 19th of January, 2021. She was 15 years of age. She was born in October 2005 in Novallas, Zaragoza, Spain, and she has died in Tarazona, Zaragoza, Spain. The strange thing is that in the morning of the 18th of January I walked her as usual and she was fine as always. 




We went to the countryside like every morning and when we came back she sat near me. Yet, soon thereafter, she started to feel so unwell she was quiet for nearly 17 hours, she could not move at all. She sat near the heater peacefully.

She vomited a little but little albeit it was something similar to blood. When I woke up the following morning I saluted her and I really thought it was something temporary. I took two pictures of her and I also made a video of Evarista and I went to the veterinarian to make an appointment but it was closed. 

Subsequently, I came back home and my mother gave me the fatal news. Evarista left the room even though she could not move and after many hours quiet to find my mum who was in the kitchen and then Evarista looked at her carefully for some minutes prior to passing away. In a last effort and even though she was extremely weak she managed to move so that saying goodbye to my mum. Evarista decided to die this way.

Halcombe Norilsk
                                              (Evarista was extremely happy when I published my first book )

Halcombe Norilsk
Evarista made me write.

Evarista is buried in the countryside, the same countryside throughout which we crossed every morning. She made me be more creative. Evarista was a really clever dog and a funny one. I have met different dogs and I even had one that died very soon and I can tell Evarista was especially intelligent and amusing. 

Likewise, she was never sick. She lived very well. Something that is strange is that she never had any contact with other dogs. As a matter of fact, she ignored them on purpose. It was peculiar because dogs tend to like to salute and play with other dogs yet Evarista did always avoid any contact with other dogs or strangers. 

How many walks have I done with Evarista in the countryside? How many hours have I been writing on the computer with this dog looking at me carefully? How many movies have I watched and how many hours have I spent with Evarista by my side?

15 years is a great figure for a dog and the funny thing is she never made her "things" in the hard concrete as city dogs do, but she always did it in the countryside. Evarista was a country animal, what is more, we live very close to the countryside thereby she always breathed fresh air albeit she visited the city of Zaragoza a couple of times. Evarista is matchless.

Dogs make owners be 10 years younger. In this particular case, Evarista made me extremely happy. Moreover, she helped me to write. She will always be in my mind and my house is not the same without her. Evarista was a Jack Russell Terrier and she was very pretty likewise. I do not believe I will ever walk the countryside again without her.

My grandmother MarĂ­a had a friend who had another friend whose dog had had puppies and she thought Evarista would be perfect for my parents who are deaf people. It was the month of October of the year 2005. Soon thereafter, my grandmother got sick and she died subsequently in January 2007, 14 years ago, in the same month, January, in which my dog Evarista has died. 

My novel "El Verano de Natalie Davis" (the Summer of Natalie Davis) is dedicated to my grandmother Maria because of whom we enjoyed the amazing companion of my wonderful dog Evarista. 

El Verano de Natalie Davis

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                                                         Evarista October 2005-January 2021

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