Saturday, 3 November 2018


The reader already knows Halcombe lives in a rural part of Spain. People tend to have nicknames. My real name is Alberto Gonzalo. Gonzalo is my surname but as it sounds cool my sister would call me Gonzalo. 

Likewise, people in High School did too. However, my pen name is Halcombe, the name I use to write. What is more, my real name is a sign in Sign Language because my parents are deaf.

Nevertheless, life has this kind of issues. Now I have a new nickname, a modern one. It has nothing to say with regards to my real name (Alberto Gonzalo or sign language) nor with my writing skills (Halcombe). My new nickname is serious, it is a serious matter. 

Sharpener of Deadly Knives

" El Afilador de Cuchillos asesinos" something like "Sharpener of killer knives"The explanation is simple. A great friend of mine killed 25 people with a knife. Nobody can assure this, Halcombe aside. 

Whether this is true or not, only Halcombe can tell. In fact, my beloved friend told me about this in a private meeting at his house.

Do you like my new nickname????