Monday, 13 May 2019

"The adventures of Halcombe Norilsk and other gripping tales" in the New York Times

Halcombe published a book in English in the United States of America titled: "the Adventures of Halcombe Norilsk and other gripping tales" at the end of 2016. The book was chosen by the publisher to appear in the Sunday edition of The New York Times in September, 2017 as the following video shows:

The adventures of Halcombe Norilsk and other gripping tales
The adventures of Halcombe Norilsk and other gripping tales

The adventures of Halcombe Norilsk and other gripping tales
the adventures of Halcombe Norilsk and other gripping tales
the adventures of Halcombe Norilsk and other gripping tales

Buy the book: The adventures of Halcombe Norilsk and other gripping tales