Monday, 30 March 2020

The origin of coronavirus Covid-19

Chinese people do love to eat wild animals. Hunters take these wild mammals and take them to local markets where they live until there is one buyer. These wild animals transmit new viruses to humans who go to these markets and to the meat that is being sold. Read this in Spanish Coronavirus

One of these animals is the pangolin, a mammal that is considered a delicacy. Likewise, traditional Chinese medicine uses wild animals (pangolin for instance) to cure diseases. Changing these beliefs is really difficult as these are ancient traditions. Pangolin can be the origin of this new coronavirus. Another candidate is the bat. 

The origin of coronavirus
The origin of coronavirus

Chinese authorities do not really allow people to eat these wild animals but there is a demand for them so illegal hunting continues. Because of this coronavirus crisis, new strict measures have been imposed in China and these local markets where wild animals live and are hidden for sale are forbidden. 

However, Chinese authorities are afraid of banning traditional medicine that uses wild animals to cure diseases as this is part of Chinese culture. In the past, theses viruses did not travel so far but now globalization has made China to be a developed country and new viruses travel easily. 

At the end of November, a Chinese woman who ate meat from this local market in Wuhan had coronavirus. This was the first sick person. Time was wasted and now this new virus has traveled the whole world. Globalization makes us to be exposed to new diseases. 

Sars came from China too and had a local meat market as the origin as well. Ebola was produced because some poor people in Africa ate monkeys. Wild forests are destroyed in rural areas and mammals who never had contact with humans transmit us new viruses. Likewise, poor people who eat bad will transmit new diseases. What is more, so many international flights and overpopulation in huge cities allow viruses to be transmitted in a way never seen before.  

Will we have a new pandemic crisis once coronavirus is controlled???

Wednesday, 25 March 2020

Eat garlic and onion to defeat coronavirus

Since coronavirus is spreading so fast, there is no cure, there is not a vaccine as yet and it is easy to catch it we depend on our immune system to fight it. 80 percent of people infected will have mild symptoms. The 14 percent of those infected will develop a serious illness and 6 percent of people infected will die. Read this in Spanish coronavirus 

As a result, your health, age and above all the immune system will be the key to defeat coronavirus soon, this is the reason we need to eat properly in order to improve our defenses.

Garlic to defeat coronavirus
Coronavirus garlic

It is high time we had a balanced diet and something you should add to it is garlic and onions as onions and garlic will improve your immune system. Slaves in old Egypt were given onions so that being strong and build pyramids. Adding garlic and onion to our meals is something we must do. 

Something that affects our immune system badly is the lack of sleep and also stress. Sleeping is essential in these relevant days. By contrast, too much sugar affects our immune system. If your immune system cannot defeat easily coronavirus it will get so anxious that it can cause huge problems into their own body.

Will you eat garlic and onions???
Will we defeat coronavirus???

Saturday, 21 March 2020

The books of Mario Vargas Llosa are banned in China now because of a Coronavirus article

Mario Vargas Llosa is the most important writer writing in Spanish. He was born in Perú but he lives in Spain. He is considered one of the last best writers alive. He is a legend. Indeed, he has won all the Literary prizes one writer can win. Read this in Spanish.  Mario Vargas Llosa China

Mario Vargas Llosa China
Mario Vargas Llosa China

He is widely read in the whole world, even in China where he is known as Llosa. However, his books are no longer allowed there after an article he published the other day in the Spanish newspaper El País. The strange thing is that the article was not really about China. He was talking about coronavirus, death, humans and plagues. 

He was explaining briefly something we all know. A Chinese doctor denounced something horrible was happening in China as a new virus was infecting plenty of people, he denounced the situation and he called on authorities to act quickly. Notwithstanding his pleads, Chinese authorities silenced him and obliged him to retract his words in a public statement otherwise he would go to prison. Now, coronavirus is a pandemic and this doctor has died fighting coronavirus in China.

Mario Vargas Llosa only talked about China superficially giving his opinion about the regime but Chinese are really, really angry at him and now all the books of Mario Vargas Llosa are banned in China. But perhaps doing this China is giving value to the opinion of Mario Vargas Llosa he conveyed in his now polemic article. 

Something that has annoyed Chinese authorities is that Mario Vargas Llosa calls coronavirus "A virus that comes from China". Likewise, Vargas Llosa says that as China is a dictatorship they silenced the doctors who were worried and who could have developed easily a vaccine when the virus was new and weak. What is more, he says coronavirus has happened because China is not a democracy. 

Is Mario Vargas Llosa right to criticize China??
Is China right to ban the books of Mario Vargas Llosa??
Is coronavirus the fault of China??

Thursday, 5 March 2020

Italy Cook and Love Episode One

The Spanish blog of Halcombe Norilsk, Ser un Tusitala, has been selected to write about and to emit the Italian television series "Italy Cook and love" in which some experts visit Italian restaurants throughout different European cities. The first episode has just been released and it is made in Seville, south of Spain. Read this in Spanish Italy Cook and Love Ser un Tusitala

Italy cook and love
Italy Cook and love episode one

Take a look at this incredible video. The video is in Italian, yet it contains English subtitles.