Monday 5 May 2014

The luck of Barry Lyndon

One of my favourites movies ever is Barry Lyndon by Stanley Kubrick based on the novel of William Makepeace Thackeray, The luck of Barry Lyndon that I have just read. I have also started Vanity Fair and I really think this coruscating writer is one of the best in Literature history, yet I believe he is not so praised as he should be. For instance, The Luck of Barry Lyndon is witty, fun and splendidly written. Kubrick was also interested in shooting his version of Vanity Fair but turned instead to Barry Lyndon because of the length of that iconic novel to whose name a publication still pays homage today as well as it inspired many famous magazines in the past. The greatness of novel The luck of Barry Lyndon bears testimony to the exceptional command of English Thackeray conveys. Moreover,  the extraordinary account of different adventures  Barry Lyndon is able to experience which foretells what can we expect of life providing us with valuable lessons regarding life, marriage, human nature, war, honor... Thackeray based his book on the true story of a Andrew Robinson Stoney who was married to a wealthy woman and was an adventurer indeed. 
Barry Lyndon
Barry Lyndon 

The luck of Barry Lyndon is a story of a man born in Ireland that travels throughout Europe finding breathtaking adventures and both misfortune and success. It is considered the first novel without a hero contingent upon the fact Thackeray puts everything Barry Lyndon recalls into doubt within the figure of an unreliable narrator as showing us that perhaps everything that we are told is not true and may be uncertain. Notwithstanding, Does not Barry Lyndon say the truth? Cannot we learn something valuable from his assertions or everything is just accursed thus we must not take that into account? Shall we believe Barry Lyndon given what he is capable of? Are his teachings interesting? This is the key effect. There is a part on the novel when Barry Lyndon embezzles plenty of money from rich people playing cards. However, the protagonist ask us something remarkable: Am I worse than a banker or a stock broker that stole your money to do some business? The politician or the lawyer that lie in order to get cash? The doctor that tells how the weather is like while keeps on his pocket some coins? Of course we should believe in our politicians, lawyers, stock brokers and doctors... Shan´t we?Likewise, at the end of the novel, the author finishes The luck of Barry Lyndon albeit he explains (something it is avoided within some earlier editions) that many good people, clever and brilliant seldom succeed whilst bad people, arrogant, crooked, selfish are the ones who do.

William Makepeace Thackeray
William Makepeace Thackeray  Barry Lyndon
How many people are living in abundance after having behaved badly? How many clever and candid people are living in misery and they are unfairly not allowed to have a better life? Are ruthless criminals behind bars? Does being pure at heart guarantee you a prosperous life? Are these bankers, private doctors, lawyers or politicians good people who behave better than an Irish gambler such Barry Lyndon? Really?  Do doctors always look for the best regarding our health? Do lawyers work for good people? Do they want to make justice or earn money? Are bankers and stock brokers to trust? Do they use our money properly and do always tell us the truth? This is one of lessons of Barry Lyndon, the underlying key factor is to discover that life is unfair and hard and on no account should we believe fairy tales. Life is painful and must be fought hard, sometimes with skills as rotten as the ones Barry Lyndon use. Thereafter, we should laugh at him seeing how  he squanders millions due to a nonchalant profligacy and realising he is not so fabulous as he assures he is although he did not have a bad existence after all.

Barry Lyndon
Barry Lyndon

The memories of Barry Lyndon will always be there to be discovered. In case you dislike reading there is some guy called Stanley Kubrick who made an outstanding movie. Kubrick changed the end and did not reproduce the ironic, humorous tenor of The luck of Barry Lyndon, perhaps it was very difficult to imitate it on a movie. He made a beautiful drama instead that impressed me as no other movie has ever done. All things considered, readers of The luck of Barry Lyndon and the viewers of the movie Barry Lyndon will always tell of the adventures of such a special personage as that gentleman from Ireland. Whether Barry Lyndon deserved better or did he end fairly is something every person should decide over. Do share, rate or comment, have a nice day
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